Newsletter of April 5
Celebrate Easter weekend at the mountain!
The longest weekend of the ski season is upon us. The weather will be on our side to celebrate accordingly, both on the slopes and on the deck!
For the occasion, the Summit, Family and Panorama lifts will be open to offer a maximum of skiable trails starting Friday, April 7th.
Join us on Saturday to celebrate like back in the day at our Throwback Party to the sounds of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Outdoor DJ, BBQ, costume contests, and much more are on the agenda.
Warm temperatures are everywhere and the end of the ski season is upon us. Take advantage of our spring ski promotion with day tickets at only $39 + taxes.
You can always check out the Ski Conditions page before your visit to the mountain.
Throwback Party
The end of the season always makes us nostalgic and reminiscing is the best way to say goodbye to the ski season.
Come and take a step back in time with us this Saturday and bring your best retro clothes for the Throwback Party! The atmosphere of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s will be reborn at the foot of the mountain with the music of DJ Shawn Desmarais.
As we don’t do things by halves, we invite you to the retro-flavoured costume contest where several prizes will be up for grabs including :
- Ninoxe Weekday 2023-24 season pass
- Student Unlimited 2023-24 season pass
- Two 2023-24 4-daily ticket packages
- Two Rossignol Hero Athletes bags
In all, there will be over $1,500 in prizes to be won!
In order to give everyone the chance to win, the costumes will be judged into 2 categories: 14 years old and under and 14 years old and over. We will be waiting for you at 3 pm on the outdoor terrace for the parade!
Add to that an outdoor BBQ, signature cocktails, and several door prizes courtesy of Rossignol, Kombi, and Owl’s Head.
For all the details, check out the Facebook page of the event here.
Remember Owl’s Head
Since this retro weekend is not complete without your memories, we invite you to share your photos and stories on the Party Throwback Facebook event page.
Whether you’ve been skiing with us since the 70s or 2000, there’s nothing more unifying than sharing your stories with other generations. Join the discussion and tell us what Owl’s Head means to you, how long you’ve been coming to the mountain, or just your best memories as a skier or snowboarder!
Share your memories with the Owl’s Head community here.