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Last modification: 2025-02-09 05:53


9 February 2025





Snow park


Alpine touring



of fresh snow

4 cm

Last 48 h

4 cm

Last 7 days

41 cm

Total season

305 cm

Skiing conditions

Complete details of today's ski conditions

TODAY, 9 February 2025



40, Chemin du Mont Owl’s Head
Mansonville (Québec) J0E 1X0 Canada

Proudly committed to sustainable development and tourism

The 4 dimensions of sustainability

Proudly a Quebec ECOLEADER!

Last spring, Destination Owl’s Head made a commitment to Sustainable Development. It is with great pride that we have just obtained our ECORESPONSABLETM certification, level 1. Commitment.

Our entire team has been mobilized with conviction in this phase of preparation for change. We are now one of Quebec’s ECOLEADERS!

An ECOLEADER is a company or organization that has obtained ECORESPONSIBLETM certification issued by ECOCERTCANADA under the ECORESPONSIBLETM program, regardless of its level of certification. It is distinguished by the continuous improvement of its eco-responsible practices in a perspective of sustainable development.

Our approach to eco-responsibility, sustainable development and tourism

Climate change and our values have led us to reinvent our service offering to give greater access to nature in all its forms, always with a view to improving the well-being of our visitors, raising their awareness of the need to preserve our ecosystems rich in biodiversity, and even inviting them to get involved in the regeneration of natural areas with our teams.

Our commitment to sustainable tourism Greenstep to 2030

Destination Owl’s Head has signed the 2030 Sustainable Tourism Pledge, to demonstrate its commitment to improving its organization’s sustainability performance between now and 2030.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as “(…) tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, meeting the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities.”

Each year, Destination Owl’s Head is committed to measuring and improving its sustainability performance. Here are just a few examples of our sustainability initiatives achieved in 2023-24.


Make the 2030 Sustainable Tourism Commitment to improve our tourism destination’s sustainability performance by 2030 and join the 2024-2025 GreenStep cohort. This commitment simplifies the steps required to be sustainable and removes the cost barrier, thanks to GreenStep’s free measurement tool. With this commitment, Owl’s Head has access to best practices, free resources, tools and templates, and the various steps to integrate sustainability into their operations in a simple but meaningful way.

Creation of an internal sustainable development committee: Owl’s Head’s Sustainable Development Committee is preparing to implement and control the processes needed to meet the requirements for ECORESPONSABLE? certification and to achieve the targets and objectives set out in the GLOBAL approach. The internal Sustainable Development Committee undertakes to: periodically monitor issues relevant to its field or sector of activity, have the means and tools to verify that the organization is in compliance, and take the necessary steps to remedy any deviations. Owl’s Head’s official internal sustainability committee was set up on October 19, 2023. Committee members represent and promote the Sustainable Development program within and outside the organization, support the Sustainable Development manager in his or her tasks, get involved in the development and implementation of Sustainable Development-related actions, attend committee meetings once every two months, provide an advisory role in guiding the approach and implementing actions, and draw up the committee’s annual report and make recommendations for the organization’s management review.

Evaluate accessibility: Diagnosis with Kéroul. Certification for downhill skiing and snowboarding done. Approved April 10, 2024. Certification of partially accessible to persons with restricted physical ability.

Hiring students: Owl’s Head hired two interns from May to June 2024, for a period of 8 weeks, to help document various actions, consult with the company and create a responsible practices guide and other recommendations. The interns facilitated the coordination and documentation of various projects that have been done to date at the company. In addition, the students created publicity items for Owl’s Head, such as flyers and a best practice guide for travelers and employees, and developed a list of recommendations and ideas for the company to undertake in the future regarding Sustainable Development. These internships were carried out in partnership with Bishop’s University, Lennoxville, Quebec, through their annual Estrie-Preneur Desjardins program, which is sponsored by Desjardins for this purpose.

Transform Owl’s Head into a year-round resort, renowned for its quality, designed on a human scale, inclusive, in harmony with its exceptional and SUSTAINABLE environment, benefiting from the unique combination of lake, plains, and mountains.

To share our passions and create unique and authentic moments together.

Our daily life is guided by Respect.
Our enthusiasm is fueled by Passion.
Fun is our driving force.
Colleagues and customers are part of our Family.
Striving for Excellence is our motivation.

A human and success-driven team
We work hard and play hard. We promote work-life balance and aim to provide a highly enjoyable work environment. In return, we encourage employees to share their ideas and passion to help us achieve our Mission.


Electric golf carts: Sixty-four electric golf carts were purchased. The old ones have been resold, in exchange for new ones. The fleet is often in rotation, as manufacturing years vary between 2018, 2021, 2023, and 2024, and battery life must be taken into account. In general, the carts have sufficient autonomy for the ~8 km of golfer tournaments.

Purchase of a refurbished groomer: The usual fleet of three groomers used at the mountain has been upgraded since the arrival of new management in 2018. The new groomer was manufactured in 2018, purchased in 2023. The purchase was second-hand, replacing the one dating from 2008. With the help of a government grant, Owl’s Head acquired a new depth gauge system and the used Bison X groomer. Mechanical parts are also interchangeable between the three models. Despite the fact that it runs on diesel, the new groomer consumes less fuel because it’s newer, and therefore more efficient. In 2023, it will have saved around $15,000 on diesel. The gain in quality means a gain in happiness for the operators too.

New pumping station: A new lake pumping station has also been commissioned for the 2022/23 ski season. The new lake pump station increased the size and number of pumps from (3) 150 kW to (4) 225 kW, significantly increasing snow production rates and enabling Owl’s Head to take greater advantage of favorable snowmaking weather windows. These investments have optimized the system’s efficiency, reliability and capacity. The $3,500,000 invested in this project means that the water is colder, earlier in the season and safer for marine life. The water intake is deeper than the one previously in place. The water collected is also purer, enabling better equipment maintenance. The new pumping station, in tandem with the new air cooling system, provides a safer working environment for employees by combining better snow management.

New depth gauge: The new snow groomer is equipped with a depth gauge, an advanced technology that provides a complete, real-time analysis of snow conditions. This system measures snow depth and identifies areas requiring special attention to ensure safer, more enjoyable skiing. The depth gauge is a GPS system that produces reports from the groomer. You can see where it passes, and how many times it passes over a piste. It’s more energy-efficient, which significantly reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The depth gauge – which is not widely used by other ski resorts – gives better supervision of the mountain and enables efforts to be concentrated where they are needed, resulting in significant savings in time and energy.

More energy-efficient facilities: Optimizing our facilities, such as LED lighting in the ski chalet and water-saving faucets, not only reduces our ecological footprint, but also delivers significant long-term savings on energy and water costs.

In order to launch a resort development project on its property, Owl’s Head took the time to consult important stakeholders, including the Municipality of the Township of Potton, the Good Neighbours Committee, the Owl’s Head Homeowners Association (APOHOA) and the Girl’s Camp Road Homeowners Association. These stakeholders were consulted on several occasions. A detailed master plan was created, and re-edited following comments, suggestions and recommendations from stakeholders. The 60-page master plan, which can be found on the Owl’s Head and Potton websites, demonstrates a unique citizen participation process. The goal of this plan was to relaunch the resort with the support of the municipality and its community, which underscores good governance practices.


Creation of a Good Neighbor Committee: discussions with a group of residents including shopkeepers, urban planner, geologist and architect: 3 meetings per year.

Master plan: A development master plan has been drawn up and is frequently updated by Destination Owl’s Head’s Board of Directors, with the support of the municipality of Potton and its community. A unique citizen participation process has been put in place, with a clearly defined integrated development vision for the short, medium and long term.

Prix Omer 2024 | Bien être et Développement Durable: In June 2024, Destination Owl’s Head won the Prix Omer in the category ”Bien-être et Développement Durable, Tourisme, Arts et Culture”, awarded by the Memphrémagog Chamber of Commerce! This award honours our commitment to the quality of service our employees provide to the community and visitors, as well as our dedication to the well-being of all. It also celebrates our initiatives in tourism and sustainable development. This recognition is particularly valuable as we were selected as one of ten outstanding businesses that contribute to the vitality and enrichment of the region.

Prix d’excellence ASSQ 2021 | Social involvement, Community outreach : Aware of the heavy impact of the pandemic on its community, Destination Owl’s Head immediately mobilized to help. Over 200 bags of groceries were delivered to laid-off employees during the critical months. The kitchen brigade was also called in, distributing more than 2,000 meals to the local population, especially the elderly.

ECOresponsible certification | Commitment category: Our ECORESPONSABLE certification, issued by ECOCERT CANADA, positions us as a leading-edge organization and enables us to add value to our service offering.

Adoption of SST best practices at our facilities: Owl’s Head adopted a detailed occupational health and safety action plan in 2023, in conjunction with Telus. This is a prevention program that all employees must consult. An annual assessment is made, and an annual update during management meetings. An SSt committee was set up and formalized in 2023.

Events: Owl’s Head is pleased to collaborate with local music groups and artists on its summer and winter events.
For example, during the Owl’s Head en couleurs festival, a musical program was developed to highlight local artists. At this same event, we could also find products and articles handcrafted by local artisans.

Art&Nature Day Camp: Since 2024, Owl’s Head has been lucky enough to host the Art&Nature Day Camp produced by local artist Super Hiro.

ÉPIQ Triathlon: For two years now, Owl’s Head has had the pleasure of hosting the ÉPIQ Triathlon and lending the mountain to local athletes, to raise funds for the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre.

Develop a development plan for adapted sports in collaboration with the Fondation des Sports Adaptés: Owl’s Head is proud to collaborate with the Fondation des Sports Adaptés to make outdoor activities accessible to all. By making its premises available and participating in fund-raising initiatives, Owl’s Head actively contributes to the support and expansion of programs offered by the Foundation.

Ski club: Owl’s Head is fully committed to the development of young athletes, offering them an ideal environment in which to evolve. Aware of the importance of a mountain ski club for their progression, we have dedicated specific facilities to ensure effective sessions, including a dedicated training course and an exclusive lift-equipped piste.

Employee recognition : In line with our values, Destination Owl’s Head is proud to highlight, year after year, the dedication, commitment and passion that our employees have demonstrated on a daily basis for many years. They contribute to the organization’s daily success. To this end, we organize an annual recognition gala.

Equity, diversity and inclusion: Destination Owl’s Head is committed to implementing best practices with regard to equity, diversity and inclusion within its organization, management practices and governance.


Reduced overprinting: By assigning passwords for printing color documents, recommending double-sided printing, and favoring “online” services, Owl’s Head has reduced its administrative costs by 70%.

Food services: The ski chalet cafeteria offers visitors wooden rather than plastic utensils. Owl’s Head employees now use reusable crockery, too. The hamburgers served in the Club Haus dining room come from a local butcher’s shop, Boucherie René & Richard, in Magog. Also at Club Haus, the restaurant service is supplied with fresh herbs and tomatoes following the installation of small vegetable gardens on the terrace since 2023.

Hotel service: The 10 hotel rooms use bar soaps and shampoos from Savonnerie Vitamine, a small artisanal company based in Cowansville, Quebec. All their products are made from olive oil and coconut oil, are handmade, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. What’s more, maintenance is done between stays, not every night/day.

Recovering eclipse sunglasses: Owl’s Head handed over the hundred or so remaining eclipse sunglasses and took them to the Université de Sherbrooke for recycling.

Recycling used uniforms: Owl’s Head gives a second life to its used uniforms by sending them to other countries. Not only does this reduce waste, it also supports communities in need, by providing them with functional, quality clothing.

Material recycling: In all our construction projects, Owl’s Head emphasizes recycling to minimize its environmental impact. Everything that can be recycled is recovered through the use of different containers designed to effectively separate materials. This approach enables us to reduce waste, add value to materials and contribute to more sustainable construction practices.

Water management: A runoff management program has been drawn up for 2019 by a civil engineer specializing in water management. It is important to know that 85% of the water from our snowmaking returns to the lake, 5% to the golf course, 5% to evaporation and 5% to percolation.

Signage for wildlife: During building construction, especially during blasting, tests were carried out at regular intervals to allow animals to get used to the noise, especially fish.

Ensuring the reforestation and greening of our land: We assess the quality of the forest and favor native or drought-tolerant plants for landscaping.

Reuse of materials: Rock excavated during the construction of the road through the Érablière was recovered and reused to resurface some of our parking lots. This approach reflects our commitment to sustainable practices and the valorization of local resources.

75% reduction in the use of ATVs in the mountains: The operations department innovated a new way of operating in the mountains: instead of taking ATVs up to make repairs (ATVs are not very reliable as a means of transport when leaving), employees now take the ski lift, do their work, and then ski back down. This idea has reduced ATV repair costs, fuel consumption and, of course, GHG emissions. What’s more, it makes the employees happy because they get to ski during the day.

New pumping station: In the past, the municipal water intake and that used for snowmaking were linked. Thanks to an innovation, these two systems are now separate, reducing energy consumption. The station has also been equipped with new pumps, 20% more efficient, contributing to a significant reduction in energy consumption. With the new, more efficient motors, energy savings are almost 3.5 times higher. Of the 79 million liters of water drawn from Lake Memphremagog, 95% returns to the lake as clean as it was originally. The remaining 5% is not lost: some evaporates naturally, while the rest hydrates the vegetation on the slopes. In collaboration with government authorities, the water intake has been redesigned at a special angle to protect wildlife, and is equipped with a screen to prevent lake animals from entering.

Snowmaking: One of our snow groomers is equipped with a depth gauge that gives us real-time snow depth information, enabling us to avoid overproduction. This groomer is also equipped with a Tier4 engine, reducing GHGs by 50%.

Electric golf carts: Sixty-four electric golf carts have been purchased. The old ones have been resold, in exchange for new ones. The fleet is often in rotation, as manufacturing years vary between 2018, 2021, 2023, and 2024, and battery life must be taken into account. In general, the carts have sufficient autonomy for the ~8 km of golfers’ tournaments.

Hydro-Québec demand response program: The Owl’s Head snowmaking system is also enrolled in Hydro-Québec’s demand response program, which helps keep energy costs down during peak periods.

Relevant training : Our Construction Project Manager at Owl’s Head received his Novoclimat certification in fall 2023, a training program that encourages the construction of energy-efficient new homes.

New snowmaking system: The refurbishment of the pumping station in 2021-2022 was a strategic investment to replace an aging, deteriorating water intake. Thanks to a deeper intake, we benefit from rapid access to colder water, optimizing our operations and snowmaking.

Owl’s Head continues to develop innovative ideas to ensure a more sustainable transition, especially through :

  • Support local entrepreneurs and the local community
  • Collaborate with local organizations and sites to promote our destination’s
  • cultural and natural heritage of our destination,
  • Evaluate and plan improved accessibility and inclusiveness
  • to meet the needs of all visitors, and
  • Measure and improve our energy consumption in order to reduce our carbon footprint
Find out more about the Greenstep global movement


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